Patrik PhD defense and farewell
Patrik successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled “Splicing factor 3b subunit 1 and its implication in pancreatic cancer” in November 2021! He continued his work as a PostDoc for 6 months to complete his ongoing projects, one of which was recently published in Cell Reports. Patriks’ unprecedented energy and his unique ability to bring cheerfulness and fun to any situation will be missed by all of us. However, we are certain that in his new role as a Medical Science Liaison at AbbVie, he will be in the perfect spot to apply his strengths and flourish in his upcoming career! All the best for your future and we look forward to meeting you outside the lab from now on and sharing memories together with a drink and sun on our faces.

Nina PhD defense and farewell
Nina successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled “Investigating gastrointestinal cancers using various CRISPR screening approaches” in November! We congratulate her wholeheartedly on her well-deserved success! Unfortunately, however, all good times come to an end, and we have to let her leave for new adventures that will start with her position as a Postdoc at Roche. We will miss her joyful presence in the lab but are sure that she will have a great time at her new workplace. Thanks for all you have contributed to the lab over the past years! Rest assured, our coffee machine will always be happy to meet you again! 🙂

New Schwank Lab website now online
Our new lab site is now online under! We hope you like it and we will continue to keep it up do date.
Jul 23, 2020